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What is Powder/Microblading/Nano and Hybrid brows  hair strokes eyebrows?

Microblading is performed using a manual (not a machine) disposable handheld tool, composed with very fine needles resembling the shape of a blade. It involves hand-carving small lines into the skin to deposit pigment and create defined, hair-like strokes. It is suitable for dry to combination skin.


Powder aka Ombre, Shading brows technique uses a machine with a single needle to create pixelated dots that appeared powder-like shaded brow look, starts light at the front of your brows and transitions to being darker at the ends. It is suitable for all skin types.


Nano machine hair strokes procedure is a minimally invasive procedure whereby the pigment is implanted into the skin using a cosmetic tattooing machine with a single needle, to create a crisp realistic hair-like strokes. It is suitable for all skin types.


Hybrid brows achieves an ultra-light density with crisp, realistic hair strokes at the front while the Shading gives a bold, defined look at the tail. Hybrid brows creates the crisp, realistic hair-like strokes of Nano technique and the fullness and definition of Shading. It is suitable for all skin types.



What’s the process like?

Permanent make up brows is a two steps treatment, consisting of an initial procedure and a touch up at 6 to 8 weeks. Beginning of appointment, a consultation will take place, followed with filling out forms, captured before and after photo, brows shaping and customization of colours. Shortly after that, a topical anesthetic will be administered to ensure comfort and secondary numbing will be applied during procedure, once you’re numb, the process will starts.


During healing, it's normal to experience some pigment loss; this is why we have the touch up in place. The process is considered to be complete 4 weeks after the first touch up.  Occasionally a third visit is necessary for certain clients, 6 weeks later again. This is not uncommon.


How long does the treatment take?

The initial procedure takes approximately 3-4 hours. 


How long is the touch up appointment?

The touch up appointment takes approximately 1-2 hours. It is scheduled 6 to 8 weeks after the initial treatment, that is the time framed for completely healed results and pigment to settle in the skin. It is IMPERATIVE you complete the touch up treatment, as without it, it will be a job half done and the results will not be optimum. The touch up gives the client an opportunity to get used to the initial finish before a final touch up consolidates the pigment into the skin, thus preventing fading. Color will have faded significantly in these 30 days as the skin heals peels and fades. The look of the brows in the first 10 days will be quite defined and no indication of the finished result.


Does it hurt?

We take every precaution necessary to ensure the permanent make up application is as pain free as possible.   Some clients find the procedure a little uncomfortable, whereas other clients report no discomfort at all.  A combination of 2 anesthetics are used, first a topical numbing cream and then a local anesthetic is introduced once the procedure has started. This is topped up regularly during the treatment to keep you comfortable.  


Does it look good?

Yes, with the permanent make up method, you can have natural looking makeup, 24/7. This process is only to enhance what you already have, and to achieve the everyday natural make up look.


What should I do to prepare for my procedure?

There’s no prep required. Leaving your eyebrows alone for a week (no tweezing, waxing or otherwise removing the hair) is preferred. No tinting or laser as well.


What should I do after the procedure?

Other than make sure your skin is dry and clean - not much. An aftercare kit will be given to you after the treatment is complete.


How long does it take to heal?

You do not have to hide from the world until you are healed. Many clients can walk right out the door, ready to show off their new brows. The healing time usually take about a 3 to 10 days for the epithelial crust to form and slough off. Your skin will be considered healed after that happens, the pigment does takes some time to settle into the skin. A good month should pass before we consider the process complete.  


Will I be swollen?

 Your brows may be a little swollen, white and sometimes a bit rosy.  This is all very normal.  It will dissipate within an hour or two.  


Do I get a say in how my brows are done?

Absolutely. I wouldn't dream of giving you a design you didn't want. This is a process in which the both of us work together to find what works for you—after all it is for you.  


How do you choose a colour?

 We choose a colour together by applying small amounts of different coloured pigments to the skin near to your brows and selecting the best match for your skin tone, features and personal preference.   


Will my eyebrows look fake?

NO! Permanent makeup is done using a cosmetic tattooing process and our eyebrow pigmentation unique artistry guarantees soft, natural looking eyebrows.  When we implant pigment in the skin, it appears more natural looking than make up.


How often should I come in to refresh the colour?

 The brow is semi permanent, so it will begin to noticeably fade around 12 months, though it's only gradual fading. In order to keep it looking fresh, a ‘touch up’ is highly recommended annually. More frequent touch ups may be required where a client chose a soft lighter shade initially, or clients who did not follow after care advice regarding sun block etc. Some clients even find they love the “FRESH” look, and even come for a touch up every six months. This is purely a client’s preference.


Why do I need a touch up if this is permanent make up?

Colour is implanted in the facial area that tends to be more fluid circulation than other parts of the body. Your face sees the most wear of any piece of you—exposure to the sun, sweating, facial products—the list goes on and on. All of these things cause permanent colour to fade, this is why you need a touch up.


How do I extend the life of the procedure?

 Your beautiful eyebrows will last longer if you apply sun block daily, avoid abrasive facial treatments in the brow area and remember to moisturize!


Can I resume to normal activity right after?

 There’s no downtime associated with the treatment. Redness and swelling will dissipate within an hour or two after. Your brows will appear darker initially, but not so dark that you will be prevented from your activities of daily living. Most normal activities can be resumed right away. Heavy exercise should be avoided for at least a week for best results—any sweat formed on your brows can fade away the colour. Swimming, hot baths, saunas, and steam along with any other heated treatment should be on hold until scabs are gone; pool chemicals would erode your healing colour as well. Outdoors activities such as gardening or golf can be resumed as long as your treatment area remains clean, dry, and out of the sun. For best results do not expose your procedure to any unnecessary wear.


Is there going to be any scabbing?

Yes, scabbing will occurred within 3 - 7 days of treatment.  DO NOT pick off these scabs; picking scabs may result in a loss of colour and scarring.


Why do I see colour flaking off after a week?

 This can happen for a number of reasons, but it usually has to do with skin type. Older skin, more weathered skin, and drier skin may flake colour off during the healing process. There should be colour underneath, but if not, it’ll touch up at your follow up appointment.  


Why do my eyebrows look so dark during the healing process?

This is a result of the natural oxidation process that takes place in the skin once pigment has been implanted. The colour reacts slowly with oxygen in the air, turning it darker. This is a completely natural and normal occurrence for our pigments.  


When will I see the final results?

 A noticeable difference will be readily apparent immediately following the procedure.  You will see your final results once the healing process is fully completed, usually around 4 weeks.  


Does it hurt afterwards?

The area can be a little sore and may be tender to the touch for a day or two.


What if I don’t like it?

Although the procedure is considered permanent make up, these procedures do have flexibility in changing colour and shape to some extent.  Colours will appear much darker immediately following the procedure but will often soften and lighten by 40% during the healing process.  The healing time is different for each individual and remembers it takes time to adjust to a new look!  


Are there any side effects during or after the procedure?

During the procedure there may be some minor bleeding.  This will depend on the client.  If a person is taking blood thinners on a daily basis, then some slight bleeding may occur.  Bruising is rare but if a person is on blood thinners, then bruising could occur.  There is usually some tenderness for a few days.  The colour is much darker than you may expect for the first six to ten days.  


I already have permanent makeup and want to change the shape and the colour. Can you help?

Yes, changes to your old design and colour can be made. Please send us a picture, we can assess and give you our feedback.


Is permanent make-up harmful to the existing natural eyebrows?

Existing natural hairs will not be removed, they are even desirable to merge with the stroked hairs providing a natural look. Only the hairs that are not into the desired shape are to be removed. 


Can I have my eyebrow done if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?

No you cannot have this treatment done, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.   


Who is not suitable for permanent make-up procedure?

Permanent make-up is not recommended for people suffering from diabetes (required doctor's clearance), epilepsy, pacemaker or major heart problems, viral infections and/or diseases, heart conditions, uncontrolled high blood pressure, poor general health, inflammatory skin diseases or have seborrheic dermatitis in the eyebrow area. People who are pregnant or nursing, have history of keloids or hypertrophic scarring, chemotherapy (consult your doctor), organ transplant , skin irritations or psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.), Sick (cold, flu, etc.), botox in the past 2 weeks and used accutane in the past year.  If are you on any treatments, medications, or illness that compromises the immune system/healing would make you NOT a good candidate for permanent make-up procedures.  


Can you guarantee your work?

No. I can guarantee that your face is important to me and that I will act in accordance with my experience and expertise to give you my absolute best. I can guarantee that I will strive to make you gratified and content every time. But there are no guarantees in this industry. Please think long and hard before you decide to go for it. This is a very big deal and should be treated as such.

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